10 Cat Facts You Might Not Know

10 Cat Facts You Might Not Know

Just for fun, here's 10 cat facts you may not know:

  1. A cats top speed is approximately 30mph. 
  2. Smuggling a cat out of Ancient Egypt was punishable by death. 
  3. A cat can jump 5 times its own height.
  4. Cats sleep for around 16 hours per day.  
  5. Isaac Newton invented the cat flap as his cat kept opening the door and ruining his experiments. 
  6. Female cats tend to be right pawed. Whilst male cats tend to be left pawed. 
  7. Cats have better hearing than dogs. 
  8. Cats can only sweat through their paws. 
  9. Cats can drink sea water. 
  10. Cats only meow as a way to communicate with humans. 

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We hope you and your kitties have a lovely weekend!

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