Training a cat to use a litter box involves having the right box and litter, and setting up the box in a location where your cat will feel comfortable.
Choose the right box and litter: Make sure you have a litter box that is the right size for your cat and fill it with a type of litter that your cat likes.
For information on the right type of litter box for your cat to use, see our previous blog post titled: What type of Cat Litter Tray do I need?
You can also view our huge variety of cat litters and cat litter boxes here: Cat Litter – The Cat Life
Set up the box in a comfortable location: Place the litter box in a quiet, low-traffic area that is away from your cat’s food and water.
Reward your cat for using the box: Give your cat a treat when they use the litter box to reinforce good behavior.
Confine your cat to a small room: For the first few days, you may need to confine your cat to a small room without carpet, with the box, food, and water on opposite sides.
Be patient: It may take some time for your cat to learn to use the litter box.There are several reasons why a cat might not want to use their litter tray. It could be due to stress, illness, age, location or type of litter or tray. If your cat is having trouble using the litter tray, it's important to be patient and never punish them if they go to the toilet outside of their litter tray. To help your cat learn to use the litter tray, you can try moving the tray to where they usually go to the toilet.
We hope this helps you litter train your cat! For any information regarding litter boxes or types or litter, feel free to contact The Cat Life team and we'll be more than happy to discuss your cats needs!