Dental health is an important, yet often overlooked, aspect of a cat’s overall well-being. Studies report that between 50 and 90% of cats older than four years of age suffer from some form of dental disease. Dental problems are very common in cats and can lead to pain, infection, and organ damage.
Cats have four different kinds of teeth: incisor, canines, premolars and molars. Each type of tooth has a different job. Cats use their canine teeth to puncture skin and grab their prey. They tear off pieces of prey and grind them up with their premolars and molars.
The most common dental diseases in cats are gingivitis, periodontitis, and tooth resorption. These conditions can cause pain, discomfort, and difficulty eating. Some symptoms of dental problems in cats are missing or loose teeth, visible tartar, bleeding or swollen gums, and drooling.
Prevention is key when it comes to maintaining your cat’s dental health. There are several things you can do to help prevent dental problems in your cat. Regular oral examination and cleaning by a vet is important. Brushing your cat’s teeth or giving them supplements can also help keep their mouth clean and healthy. Feeding your cat a low starch, fresh food diet can also help prevent plaque and tartar build-up.
In conclusion, dental health is an important aspect of a cat’s overall well-being. Dental problems are common in cats and can lead to pain, infection, and organ damage. Prevention is key when it comes to maintaining your cat’s dental health. Regular oral examination and cleaning by a vet, brushing your cat’s teeth or giving them supplements, and feeding them a low starch, fresh food diet can all help prevent dental problems in your cat.